“H5N1 Bird Flu Spreading Silently In USA”
CDC Data Reveals Infections In Vets
“A study of 150 bovine veterinarians found that three showed evidence of a recent infection.”
“The current human case count of H5N1 influenza in the US could be an underestimate, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). After testing 150 veterinarians, the researchers found three with antibodies to H5N1, suggesting they had been infected recently. However, none had reported any symptoms, and one was from a state where no outbreaks had previously been reported in cattle.”
Let me make sure I got this right…
ONLY 3 out of 150 livestock veterinarians who are around sick cattle all day got infected and had ZERO symptoms.
It can also spread to pets, and from pets to humans.
How many people are walking around with antibodies? How many pets and livestock have antibodies, and none of them with symptoms?
Why would you trust anything the CDC (which is an independent vaccine company) has to say?