Her heart surgery scar is visible, if you look close…
Look at the date on this: 1976
Immunological decay in thymectomized infants.
1976- “Four infants underwent radical thymectomy for a suspected malignancy of the thymus. Histology revealed no malignant cells. After thymectomy there was laboratory evidence for a cellular and humoral immunodeficiency.”
1987 (over a decade before my son was born)
Immunodeficiency following neonatal thymectomy in heart surgery
“Patients undergoing cardiac bypass operations normally have a thymectomy to facilitate cannulation of the great vessels. Laboratory indices of immune function were measured in 18 children aged 9 months to 3 years who had had a thymectomy when aged 3 months or less, and in two groups of controls individually matched for age and age at operation. Total lymphocyte numbers were similar in all three groups but thymectomized children had significantly lower numbers of T cells and T cell sub-sets than controls and showed diminished responses to phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin A.
“Children who have had a thymectomy early in life represent an important group in the study of the development of the immune system in man.”
(LET’S STUDY THEM WITHOUT TELLING THEM WE TOOK THEIR ORGANS) Although the clinical consequences of early thymectomy are unclear, evidence of impairment of parameters of immunity have been found in later infancy and… “
“routine thymectomy in paediatric cardiac surgery should be avoided.”
2004 The influence of partial or total thymectomy during open heart surgery
“Infants undergoing open heart surgery often have all or part of their thymus removed. The activity of the immune system has not been investigated thoroughly in these children, and only shortly after the operation.” (ALWAYS THE SAME STORY, DECADES OF STUDYING THESE BABIES BUT THEY CLAIM TO NOT KNOW THE HARM DONE, AS THEY SELL THE ORGANS TO PHARMA TO MAKE IMMUNE DRUGS)
2009 Premature immune aging in patients thymectomized during early childhood
“While the thymus is known to be essential for the initial production of T cells during early life, its contribution to immune development remains a matter of debate.” (THREE DECADES OF STUDYING BABIES IMMUNE DEFECTS AFTER THYMECTOMY IS STILL NOT ENOUGH TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS HARMFUL, FOR THEM TO STOP)
“In fact, during cardiac surgery in newborns, the thymus is completely resected to enable better access to the heart to correct congenital heart defects, suggesting that it may be dispensable during childhood and adulthood. “
“Here, we show that young adults thymectomized during early childhood exhibit an altered T cell compartment. Specifically, absolute CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts were decreased, and these T cell populations showed substantial loss of naive cells and accumulation of oligoclonal memory cells.”
“A subgroup of these young patients (22 years old) exhibited a particularly altered T cell profile that is usually seen in elderly individuals (more than 75 years old).”
“This condition was directly related to CMV infection and the induction of strong CMV-specific T cell responses, which may exhaust the naive T cell pool in the absence of adequate T cell renewal from the thymus. Together, these marked immunological alterations are reminiscent of the immune risk phenotype, which is defined by a cluster of immune markers predictive of increased mortality in the elderly. Overall, our data highlight the importance of the thymus in maintaining the integrity of T cell immunity during adult life.”
2013 Complete thymectomy in early infancy reduces T-cell–mediated immune response: SHORT 3 year follow up https://www.jtcvs.org/article/S0022-5223(12)01540-1/fulltext
2021, Early Thymectomy Is Associated With Long-Term Impairment of the Immune System https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.774780/full
1996, Stealing thymuses and giving them to AIDS patients Published April 24, 1996 | Updated January 20, 2016 https://corporate.dukehealth.org/news/rebuilding-immune-system-through-thymus-transplants
*** Duke University had the above link up for 20 years and recently blocked access.*** Thankfully I have screenshots of the article here:
Living children's glands given/SOLD to drug firms:
“RETHYMIC is manufactured from allogeneic-unrelated donor thymus tissue that is collected from donors <9 months of age who are undergoing heart surgery.”
FDA PDF PAGE 4 - LINK TO PDF: https://www.fda.gov/media/153729/download
Alder Hey scandal: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2001/jan/26/alderhey.uknews
MORE drugs on the horizon using live babies thymus organs:
“We investigated the potential of discarded human routinely removed during cardiac surgery, to be used as a novel source of therapeutic Tregs…. Our results demonstrate that discarded pediatric thymuses are an excellent source of therapeutic Tregs, having the potential to overcome limitations currently hindering the use of Tregs derived from peripheral or cord blood….Thus, thymuses routinely discarded during pediatric cardiac surgery represent a highly promising source of Tregs for cellular therapy.”
Human Neonatal Thymus Mesenchymal Stem Cells- from infant’s harvested Thymus organs “may be used to promote cardiac function in an in vitro model of heart tissue and warrant further consideration as a cell therapy.”
Sorry for my (YELLING COMMENTARY). Sometimes it really angers me how they word things and justify what they do to babies.
that they sell the stolen goods just adds insult to injury