Yes, agree with you. Definitely not something I would put any credence in.

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Looks very fake. Not even well done. Good eye Heidi

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Hi Heidi & Daniel. Answer to your question: No.

Artificial Intelligence is unadulterated BS!

Garbage in, garbage out. FAKE NEWS is pure propaganda!

A belated Happy Saint Valentine’s Day everyone.

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Happy Valentine's day Larry! 💛🌼

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The footage of Obama and Biden near the beginning is out of sync. That raises questions.

I'm questioning if the shots of Matt Morse is AI produced.

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Very interesting! I wonder if it's intentional. Could people's brains focus on that and black out the oddities that make it all look digital?

When the voices are in sync it is even more obvious to me. Weird lip movement and cheek puffs. Whole thing looks fake to me. Maybe some people just want to believe. Feeds the anger and division, finger pointing.

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lol! hola, heidi. buenas noches.

yes, looks like a badly lip-synced foreign movie!

likely trolling because it is that obvious. although, truth is stranger than ai, ai-not that right? (lol. okay, likely a rather bad joke for a saturday night following a flaccid day of saints fly high on sugary chocolate coated gmo espresso beans and glyphosate.)

thank you for the laugh.

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time!

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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I love your playing with words! They make me smile.

Best always 🙏💛

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igualmente, heidi. ❤️🙏🧘‍♂️🙏❤️

(did the sam harris essay bring about any realisations or ahas with you? so far i've only got one reaction from someone who related how she went from liking his soft meditation voice to how it made her skin crawl in years gone by.)

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I've never listened to Sam Harris. I did listen to over half of your essay and want to finish listening. I decided to look up Harris.

I'm not sure how to word this but here goes! 🤣 I'm at a detached phase. I feel like almost anyone with boldly stated beliefs and justifications for making one group of people casualties of their cause, feel bully. Very few people don't have this personality quality, myself included at times, especially in regards to my son.

I've come to a point of detachment from it all though, at peace with it.

Some people I really flow with more than others. I feel a bit uncomfortable to say, this may be because they have similar values and views as me? They live and let live but understand when something affects us directly it's unspoken that compassion will follow.

Not sure if I'm making sense here. Hopefully I'm not speaking in a way that is accusatory. If so, I'm sorry. These are just my perceptions and feelings right now.

Regarding Harris, what I've listened to thus far, he is all over the place. Lots of opinionated comments and justification of his causes and casualties.

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hola, heidi.

you are clear and make perfectly good sense.

yes, i've phrased your observation ironically with 'delusion knows no bounds and is always the other person's problem.'

these days i very actively wonder if my negative reaction to someone or some situation is mostly (all?) my trolling myself!

i appreciate your considered response even before having finished my long essay. (lol! of course, if anyone were to also listen to my talk links, it would be a day long process to get through!

my goal for the next one is for it to be very short! a friend gave me a great idea for a short note. maybe even can get it done in less than one day!

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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"these days i very actively wonder if my negative reaction to someone or some situation is mostly (all?) my trolling myself!"

I love this! I relate in such a deep way. So perfectly said!

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Ps when I say myself included, an example:

Someone says genetic defects don't exist. I disagree firmly. They can believe what they want. If they go around insulting and making fun of anyone who doesn't agree with them, put a fork in me. I'm done. I used to implode and explode all over people. More and more I just don't care. I value my little family and peace more than what others think or believe, how many people they want to follow them like a cult.

Blah blah blah lol. I'm sure if I re read this it would read like I'm upset, like this is really bothering me or I'm some sort of victim but I'm not. I really don't mind. I'm just so grateful and happy with every beautiful person and what is around me right now.

There is no room for anyone else's issues in my life. I have enough of my own and when I don't I'm basking

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hola, heidi. well stated. yes, it is my place to fix the wrong-think of anyone else. how upset would i be if someone else insisted on my wrong think when i know i'm right?! too funny. and the humble part is to recognise, own and, when appropriate, apologise for any harm my past wrong-think created. omg! so much wrong think that i now wonder how i can ever know for sure 'right-think'! does that even exist. for me, that is my looking to synchronicities and how my body is moving - towards lightness and engagement with life, or heavy and rejection of life. and to note when i'm moving between the two as a learning mechanism to be calm while everyone is losing their heads without being numb! super challenging and i am honoured to be sharing this journey with you!

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time. all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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"wonder how i can ever know for sure 'right-think'! does that even exist."

Absolutely. I so connect with this. I feel like... it's right for me but maybe not someone else.

"that is my looking to synchronicities and how my body is moving"

This is fascinating. Beautiful.

Im not sure my experiences are similar. I feel, depending on who I surround myself with, this changes. It's fluid for me. Synchronicity can sometimes lead me wrong.

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now my assessment of what is true or false at any given time — and subject to change with time! — is multi-faceted: the actual feeling response my body has; formal muscle testing; and synchronicities and/or dreams; and finally, the i ching.

yes, synchronicities can lead us 'wrong' because sometimes they are easy to misread! and yet even the wrongness becomes the way of learning to read them more accurately. i've been very actively attending, writing and studying my synchronicities since around the mid-90s i think. that helps me a lot.

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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Pss I'm going to listen to the rest of your essay right now. Your title really touched me - the part about antipathy. How do you experience antipathy? Your definition? I'm not sure this is a valid question. For some reason I feel like there is a bit of wiggle room and the context might matter when defining antipathy.

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hola, heidi.

my understanding of how i used 'antipathy' in this instance was to say with some gentleness that i find harris contemptible in his disregard for truth and the sanctity of life. not the official definition, i'm sure. also, since my friend really likes harris, i wanted to be less harsh than 'harris is an intellectual fraud who i don't trust or respect as far as i can throw a ton of the invisible elephant's shit out of the living room.' or words to that effect.

with love and peac!

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You have a lot of passion in your messages. ❤️

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yes. that is becoming a bit stronger as the barriers i used to have between my being really alive and my being looking at and hoping to be alive is falling away. i expect that that will moderate at least somewhat with time. although i know that there are still some strong barriers in my mind and negative muscle memory that are to be let go and cleared from my system.

even though i am passionate, i respect other people's place. (i am writing about that, as noted elsewhere! lol!)

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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For clarity, I feel like, when someone states their beliefs in a strong way its almost like there is an "unspoken" should in there.

Something prefaced with - "I feel," "I believe" or "I think," - is non bully speech. It doesn't bring up the feeling that... this person makes me feel like I should feel have the same views, thoughts, values or beliefs.

Hopefully this makes sense

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yes, very much so. i'm exploring that in my current wip — the sam harrris one interrupted that. i elaborate quite a lot on how someone with strongly stated ideas can be understood by some as bullying with 'should'. it was a great discovery for me.

tonight i am looking to write a really short essay. that was inspired by a friend's really lovely and respectful praise for my realisation of why i have begun to write 'we are living the bhagavad-gita in the time of the great apocalypse.' amazing times. now to get to writing it.i hope less than a 15 minute read.

we are living the bhagavad-gita and the great apocalypse at the same time! all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.


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I look forward to reading it! 🙏💛

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The channel and it's presenter look like AI.

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