I am finally able to face this and write about it without breaking down. Thank you to everyone who has shown compassion and support. It means more than you can know. 🙏❤

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it’s unbelievable they get away with it.

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I didn't have a clue this was going on. What an evil woman, taking the thymus from one baby to implant in another. If it wasn't a necessary organ then why implant it in another child who didnt have one? Sick! No doubt it is all about money as usual. That's what it's always about.

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I need to hunt down the medical articles from the 1970s where they gave calf thymic peptides to children born without a thymus and it cured them. I tried once and cannot find them. Must try harder.

They stopped offering thymus peptides. They aren't profitable. Instead Dr. Markert made money off organ theft and transplant, research money for drugs and received accolades for her treachery.

When I came to her and brought it to her attention that my son was sufferi thought it would go 1 of 2 ways. Either she truly cares about babies and children and she would offer to help my son and hopefully stop removing the thymus from babies in the future or she wouldn't help me and she would continue doing what she was doing or stop. She chose #2 and kept going.

I think something is wrong with these people. A normal person who has compassion and common sense would show concern for the ethics of harvesting live babies organs and fear repercussions for what they're doing.

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My niece who is married to a medical doctor said to me a while back that surgeons are psychopaths. Obviously that's not true for every surgeon - I had a fantastic one operate on me fairly recently - but cutting into living flesh must attract people with certain qualities. Removing an organ from one little baby to put into another? That's not normal. I'm not surprised Dr Markert chose option two.

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I should have specified they used to give thymic peptides ***from calf thymus***

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Do the surgeons give a medical reason for this when they are confronted?

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Thank you for your question.

Those whom I have confronted deny it and pretend they never heard of it. One wrote a book regarding covid, another 40? year cardiac surgeon in Texas acted like he never heard of it. His comment, to me, sounded almost like, by making a comment on my page, no one would connect him to the atrocities.

Others don't respond at all.

It is common practice to remove the thymus organ. They use the excuse it is for "easier access" to the heart however other surgeries are done (c section for example) where they move organs out the way and even take intestines out then put them back. The thymus thrives next to any muscle tissue. Even if they take it out they can put it back.

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I'm so sorry! This is diabolical. How they could do this without informing the parents makes no sense.

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Over the years it has come to make sense to me.

Initially, thymectomy was performed in animals were they found significant to lethal negative effects which varied between species and the age of the animal.

It was at this point when they finished doing research on animals they speculated removing the thymus from human infants during heart surgery. (See my sons post on thymectomy during heart surgery for medical links) A bioethics book I found from 1979 describes some of the research they wanted to do on these children after removing their thymus. The bioethics book describes how unethical it is, long-term consequences and even short-term consequences might be lethal. (See my post on research of live humans)

If you go back to the original post I mentioned about my son having his thymus removed it links out to medical articles showing they used these babies thymus organs, injecting them into AIDS patients in order to help them survive, used them in pharmaceutical anti rejection drugs, implanting them into babies born without thymuses and for medical research.

My recent post on the UK scandal where they took virus organs from babies selling them to pharmaceutical companies for research this research is to make pharmaceutical drugs out of these organs and that links into my post on 2.7 million dollars phatmaceutical they made from infants organs, along with plans for many future drugs made from live babies organs, infants under 9 months of age.

I might write an article on this at some point, trying everything together

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Wow. No one could have put all this together, other than a mother whose child had been damaged. Your work is very important. I hope this madness stops.

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🙏❤ I hope so too.

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I struggle to understand how certain individuals qualify to become doctors. Perhaps a psychological evaluation should be a prerequisite before applying to medical school. The occurrences within the so-called medical establishment, whether in a doctor's office or a hospital, border on criminal. We must take action to curb this.

This is one of the primary reasons I created my app, "Death by Hospital Protocol." It aims to expose the practices of these hospitals, doctors, and nurses, and to warn people before they set foot in a hospital. The only way to justice is to expose them !

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You are amazing Rebecca. Thank you for seeking justice and prevention for others. 💞💐

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I am taking a peptide spray for biotoxin mold illness,because my body can’t produce it . It’s so expensive and I have it shipped from Colorado. Apparently it’s so expensive to start up to produce the peptides, because it’s natural and not big pharma compromised medicine, Colorado is the only place I can get it right now.

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I’m outraged by the whole thymus theft !

Appreciate the awareness.

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I'm happy you're able to access it! 🥰❤❤❤ I'm sorry it costs so much though.

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Grateful my husband is so supportive. Apothecary shoppe is a saving grace. ( Colorado)

It took a few years before I was ready for the peptides, had to get rid of MARCONS first.

I’m going to start praying for a breakthrough for you and your son. Someone give this amazing woman a platform to raise awareness.

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Because substack is a limited resource still.. good but limited.

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Thank you Rosalind. 🙏💐

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So the calf peptide isn’t available anymore? Because it works?

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When I started doing research I could not find the peptides anywhere except in labs used for animal studies where they cost 1k for what might treat a mouse for a week. They cannot be accessed unless you own a lab and have the knowledge to contact them with a business email, title, etc.

In recent years some peptides can be accessed. It started in countries other than USA. PureRawz sells some thymus peptide injectables. I found a doctor in Colorado who has a compounding pharmacy he works through. That's how I got Daniel Thymic Alpha 1, through prescription. Before this I accessed another peptide and there is also Thymic protein A which I recommended to people on my Facebook. Some had good success. It increased cd4 t cells but it isnt a solution for most because it fights infections but not allergic reactions, cancer, autoimmune disease, and many others. Incidentally the person who invented Thymic Protein A is a doctor from the hospital which stole my sons thymus, UCLA.

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Stop calling them doctors.

I'll post this Stack on my Stack and explain there.

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I think I understand what you're referring to but it is important to me that I reach others. I need to use titles which show what doctors are doing to innocent babies. If I say !$$%# antichrist monsters are doing this, people might not know what I'm taking about, lose interest because I sound like an emotional basket-nutcase. I will loose a lot of people along the way whom I hope to reach. I won't stop using words to clarify what is happening but I understand using their title gives them a sort of respect and deference. I would prefer to call them many other names. 🙏

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I read you.

New Sentence so that I don't negate that with a Butt.

Consider who your audience is:

Doctors of whom you only got one living being the planet to work with you?

Parents who might be turned away by harsh language who are so in denial that they are not using the harsh language themselves so they will never do anything to stop the insane criminals?

Parents who might be ATTRACTED to your work because FINALLY SOMEONE IS TELLING THE TRUTH?

When I transcribed the works of Edgar Crookshank who exposed the Jenner fraud in 1889, I thought: This is the most perfect explanation of the situation done in civil, non-vitreolic language --- yet ---

here we are 135 years later but NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

I'm not telling you what to do.

I'm saying what I have done.

"You can't win the hearts and minds of those who have neither hearts or minds."

Patrick Jordan 2008

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And yet Jordan is very controlled in his responses even when he is angry there is a respectability to it, maybe because he is wearing a suit, barely moves his body so he appears under complete control. When you watch him you feel like he's got this, not like you're looking at a women spewing venom or someone controlled by their emotions

I've gone the other route cussing and spewing venom. It doesnt work. People step away from me. No one wants to associate with a person who cannot have controlled clarifying discussions, answer questions and engage without getting hysterical and spewing hate. It's off putting. Hard to know if the person is going to turn on you and if my responses arent tempered I end up sounding like I'm angry at the person for engaging and asking questions.

All I know is, there are times the anger takes over me, the desire to call names and "put them in their place". It is what it is. I need to vent etc but if it rules my every post and communication I dont feel like I'm serving anyone or accomplishing what I hope to.

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These are just my feelings and views. Its possible you mean it differently than I'm describing.

In the end I think it's personal preference because for every person that's going to say - you need to act this way and talk the way I want you to and show the amount of emotion and feeling I want you to there's going to be other who says - I want you to act more like this so that I can understand what you're saying and not feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster or feeding into your anger. So, I'm just going to be me, imperfect and flawed as I am. I know I dont word things well most of the time. I'm doing my best to change what I can and accept what I cannot change 🙏💞

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Bottom line:


Then you will attract the right people.

I have a VERY limited following because of two things:

Shadow Banning

and the fact that I say exactly what is on my mind and I call a kyller a kyller. Exactly what is on my mind are FACTS and SCIENCE in a world of pretty much adult retards who just want to be made to feel good even about things as heinous as stealing organs from babies.

I don't need or want those people.

Do you know what kind of people it has left me with?


It's a crucible. It burns off the impurities.

After 16 years in the public I wouldn't have it any other way and it is why I don't do any interviews or public media anymore. I can't and I won't dumb it down for retards and I would never pander to people who don't have the balls to fight back.

You, being you, was enough for Kara to bring us together and I have your back.

You don't need to be a bone-crushing rotweiller (that's what I'm good at) but if it is your nature, then that is something for you to consider. We're in Hell. I see no reason for decorum down here.

But it's a Dry Heat....

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These people are evil.

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You are a warrior Heidi!!! I know from working in the hospital as a child life specialist, that often permission is coerced, or the parents just do not understand what the doctors are actually doing, They are told many things to justify the procedure. Often parents are desperate and grasping for any possibility. They are up against egomaniacs. When my son entered first grade he had severe separation anxiety. I was told by the school that he could not attend unless he was on a psycho active drug. They wouldn't let me come to school with him, they wouldn't let me even sit out in the hall way, they wanted him on the drug. I took the issue to my pediatrician, I wrote up an whole plan of how I planned to help him become comfortable in school, I said I would use the medication. My pediatrician thought it was a great idea and wrote her recommendation. I brought it to the school therapist who agreed to it. It meant that I could come into the class room every day, and slowly spend less and less time in the room, while there I would be a teachers helper. He started on Paxil, at 5 years old, 3 weeks into it, he came into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, and ran out of the kitchen I ran after him and asked him what he was doing. he told me he wanted to kill himself. THIS was from the medication. my child was bubbly and happy, he was always with me until school started, he just needed a little more adjustment... and who knows what vaccines had down to him, causing the anxiety in the first place. If I hadn't advocated for him with my own plan, who knows what would have happened to him. When that horrible incident happened that day, I weaned him off the meds. but I didn't tell the school or the therapist. Instead I went on as usual bringing him to school, where he became more and more comfortable in the class room and not being with me. It took 7 weeks to get him so that I didn't need to be there anymore.. I dread to think what it could have been like if I had just followed their advice and kept him on that poisonous medication. I know from my education courses that they actually teach us teachers in training to look for certain behaviors and call them ADHD, among many other developmental issues. They are encouraged to force parents to use pharmaceuticals to treat..

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I'm so sorry this happened to your son and you. 😪

We have SO MUCH in common.

Not only have I assertively and respectively stood up to doctors against procedures they wanted to do which ended up benefiting my son immensely I've also taken him off medications they tried to force him on that we're making it worse and I've gone up against multiple schools.

The first school I took my son to was early start after he was diagnosed with autism they didn't want me to stay and I told them the only way that I'm going to let my son stay is If I Stay the first day with him I want to see how it goes for him.

I wouldn't back down and they reluctantly aspeed the situation was horrible they weren't watching the children the teacher and teacher aide was on the phone there were high-functioning hyperactive children who were knocking kids over and de low functioning kids were strapped into chairs so my son was strapped into a chair and then they walked away from him to go sit with a high-functioning child my son kicked the chair back and I caught his head like a football because it would have hit the concrete floor that had only a tiny industrial carpet over it. During storytime they were screaming at a little girl for crying because she missed her mom. They threatened punishment they wouldn't allow my son to have his milk even though he's failure to thrive and he's supposed to eat continually through the day because his stomach is too small. That was the 1st day and the last day we went to that school we had a meeting in my home with the caseworker where I told him I did not feel there was any benefit to him and there was significant danger for him to be in that class and they agreed with me and said that most people use these schools like a preschool because they have to work and have no other option. I told them that I do have another option I'm going to keep him at home with me and we scheduled for people to come to my house whom I also had to fight because they wanted poop hold him down and do things that broke his spirit one time they tried something with him and he wouldn't even let me near him for weeks he screamed my husband asked what happened to him they had no consideration for how unethical it is to perform behavioral therapy that traumatizes a sensitive child even more.

It was within a couple of weeks the news reported that same school had a little girl fall off a jungle Jim and they said that's what caused her injuries but she was found to have a hole in her vagina that was big enough to put a baby through and she was only 8 years old. She was in critical care and they never did a follow-up on her but I was so grateful that I never left my son at that school.

This continued when I tried to put him into grade school. He is special needs and cannot speak and I didn't want to leave him in other people's care without me so I volunteered and they told me I couldn't stay in the same classroom with him so I told him okay that's fine I'm not going to bring him to school then.

The compromised and said I could come to the class with him that's okay and I told them I'm happy to have another teachers aid work with him because it will help me to learn and I can see how he works with other people too so we tried that for a while and I have other stories there one of which they try to strap him in a chair on the 1st day of school and some of the things they did were horrendous I picked him up as they tried to force him into that chair and I said we're leavi didn't come back until the school supervisor talked with me and we worked out an acceptable plan because I wasn't going to put him in an environment like that where they strap him into a chair and ruin his spirit if they can't teach him to sit still then there's no point in him being in the classroom. He's not learning only being traumatized and abused.

We fight for our kids. I can do no less.

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Deep breath, this makes me literally sob. You have been through so much. I truly empathize with you, while I know so many cannot, for whatever reasons... this system we live in. I know about these care centers, a travesty, often the caregivers are not trained, they are just workers for minimum wage.. Regardless, how society treats the children and the animals... When I was in college I had to take a class called the Abused child, it was for my education degree and social work training. We had a seminar where some police came in and for 3 hours went over child abuse cases. about 40 minutes into it I could no longer manage to hold back my sobs from all the horrors that children suffered from and died from. I started sobbing, and my class mates almost seemed embarrassed by me, my nose wouldn't stop running, finally a girl came over to me and hugged me, grabbed my backpack and hugged me as she walked me out of the room. I feel this is what you have been through over and over, seeing this abuse and neglect. I wrote a story a few days ago about my brother. He was born with a genetic disease that causes great deformity and a short life span. So while I can't stand in your shoes, I can empathize with you, being an advocate for the people you love, having to live everyday with strength in order to support and watch out for those you love!

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😭 I'm sorry about your brothers condition and early death. Heartbreaking.


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I might delete/redact some of my last comment. I think it's time to fully let it go. Just step away from people who take a path that doesnt align with mine. I feel like I'm warning people when really I'm probably just annoyingly sharing my beliefs to people who are welcome to their own and dont want to listen to mine.

I wrote a post once. I will put it back up right now and place the link here incase you want to read it. If not that's ok.:

(Deleted post republished)


My first comment explains the post

"Some of us are more like valkyries, mama bears, agitators, agents of change, truth seekers and seers, at times wrecking balls and steam rollers.

Hopefully, those of us who would like compassion and peace to reign, become butterflies leaving pollen seeds of love, knowledge and awareness behind."

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I copied your comment so I can respond incase you delete.. if you want to talk privately I can message you my email.

Your last comment, is a topic that I am currently really exploring about life and how life works.. About how we go about creating our lives, our world. I have a very strong inner knowing that we are not here to learn lessons, and suffering was not something that any of us would ever have purposefully chosen.. So I want to know what is happening in this world that so much evil seems to be ruling it.. and HOW can we gain back our power... it should never be through pain and suffering. Totally off topic here, but, deep down when we figure out how this control system gains all it's power, we will be able to put an end to this evil rule.

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Sorry Way too many misspellings in my comment I deleted it and didn't even make sense I'll have to go through and edit it

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no worries!!! I know sometimes, it's really hard to get one's meaning across in writing.. the nature of communication. things get misunderstood.

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this statement you left on the butterfly post is powerful, to me you've described two ways of dealing with the world, one is battling it, the other is doing the opposite... creating a new world through our compassion and our love.. If this is what you are saying.. I think it's very worth our considering which is the way to true change. To the change we truly desire.

Some of us are more like valkyries, mama bears, agitators, agents of change, truth seekers and seers, at times wrecking balls and steam rollers.

Hopefully, those of us who would like compassion and peace to reign, become butterflies leaving pollen seeds of love, knowledge and awareness behind.

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the Plum Island was great summary😻

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Thank you Kitten🙏🥰🌹

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Lucky Me..

I saved your post on "Fear of fears" in my e-mail inbox.. It is not here any more..

I liked it though..

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I can’t find the post I was looking for. This channel i stumbled across tonight, the lady is feisty and has a story to tell, just wanted to share it with you .

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Poor mom 😭🙏

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She’s so straight forward.

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