Horror Stories from parents who's infant's thymus organs were stolen - One Child Died a horrible death
I spent thousands, every penny I had, one year to advertise my son’s Facebook page raising awareness of thymus organ theft. I ended up with 2k followers and some stories from parents. One child died and others now suffer, their stories below.
These are only a few of the many out there. Parents are not told their infants organ was stolen to make pharmaceutical drugs.
The 2.7 million dollar drug made from harvested thymus organs of live babies has ties to Dr. Markert at Duke University. She implants thymuses into babies born without a thymus. Prior to this they had good success giving calf thymus peptides to these babies.
Years ago I emailed Dr. Markert back and forth, asked if she would please help my son since his thymus was taken and he now suffers from severe immunodeficieny. She refused to help Daniel.
One Facebook message was from a woman who was told by Dr.Markert, her granddaughter’s thymus organ isn’t necessary. She was livid. They had signed consent to take her thymus so Dr. Markert could implant it into another baby.
This woman’s message to me was AFTER I communicated with Dr.Markert about my son, sending her medical articles showing decades of thymectomized infants suffering immunodefiency, increased risk of death from respiratory infections without their organs. Prior to this when I looked up Dr.M she never asked permission. After I contacted her articles were added online saying they get permission from parents. They wanted to cover their ass. They had a profitable pharmaceutical in the works with no plans to stop their organ harvesting scheme.
I am finally able to face this and write about it without breaking down. Thank you to everyone who has shown compassion and support. It means more than you can know. 🙏❤
I didn't have a clue this was going on. What an evil woman, taking the thymus from one baby to implant in another. If it wasn't a necessary organ then why implant it in another child who didnt have one? Sick! No doubt it is all about money as usual. That's what it's always about.