So smart she's stupid

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To the people smarter than her she is a useless eater. And so on...

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Could only watch a few seconds of that. I didn't want to lose any brain cells.

Thank you for sharing abt some of the lunatics we share this planet with. 🫤

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#1. I’d like to point out to anyone reading that there is no global warming!!! So the problem is solved.

Earth is OK.

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Thank you JamesDuff. Agreed. Global warming is a hoax and certainly Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax for sure, and a crime.

Historically, newspapers were pushing global warming and global cooling in roughly 20-year cycles. In a few more years, the PTB through their mocking-bird press, will be pushing global cooling.

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You’re welcome. I am astonished by how many fake

Media and industry still push this nonsense.

People buy it too.!!

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Ya just can’t make this stuff up.

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Honest scientists would solve it a helluva lot easier. The temperature numbers are a LIE: https://old.bitchute.com/video/J6IznHFqEiEm

99.6% of scientists agree that they do not want their funding cut.

"One of the first lessons we learned in grad school was to beware of truncated graphs. Such behavior is typically associated with intentionally trying to "massage" the data. If you torture the data, they WILL confess." -TVMADoc

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“If you torture the data, they WILL confess." 🤣🤣🤣

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Global Warming is 'Scientism' at its worst. It's called 'tell the customer what they want to hear'. In this case, customer is government.

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And it's cheaper and easier to buy a scientist than it is a politician.

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