It should be noted, China's sponge cities were NEW cities being built starting in the 2000's, not old established cities. They didn't tear down cities to make sponge cities like Los Angeles appears to be planning.
I read that they were going to start recycling waste water like Orange County has done for years (70% recovery rate) but Orange County is better positioned because it has a massive natural aquifer that LA doesn’t so it has a means of storing the recycled water.
there is no doubt the “planned” shortage is a desired goal by the State in addition to not building water storage authorized by taxpayers as recently as 2014 (no major projects for over 40 years), private entities are stopped from developing private “sources” by state and federal government lawsuits (exhibit A: Cadiz Aquifer, a massive aquifer in the Mojave desert which is privately owned proposed building pipeline along existing railroads to serve both LA and Central Valley with their aquifer water which would have been replenished as natural storage for Sierra rainwater runoff. Environmental impact studies were completed and the impact would have been negligible; if the water is not used it will just slowly evaporate. the federal government refused to allow the pipeline next to the railroad tracks. It’s evident that the government has no interest in ANY solution .
Thanks. I’ll share.
Thank you!
Dear Heidi, full speed ahead...pedal to the metal....the time is Now...
It should be noted, China's sponge cities were NEW cities being built starting in the 2000's, not old established cities. They didn't tear down cities to make sponge cities like Los Angeles appears to be planning.
I read that they were going to start recycling waste water like Orange County has done for years (70% recovery rate) but Orange County is better positioned because it has a massive natural aquifer that LA doesn’t so it has a means of storing the recycled water.
there is no doubt the “planned” shortage is a desired goal by the State in addition to not building water storage authorized by taxpayers as recently as 2014 (no major projects for over 40 years), private entities are stopped from developing private “sources” by state and federal government lawsuits (exhibit A: Cadiz Aquifer, a massive aquifer in the Mojave desert which is privately owned proposed building pipeline along existing railroads to serve both LA and Central Valley with their aquifer water which would have been replenished as natural storage for Sierra rainwater runoff. Environmental impact studies were completed and the impact would have been negligible; if the water is not used it will just slowly evaporate. the federal government refused to allow the pipeline next to the railroad tracks. It’s evident that the government has no interest in ANY solution .